Build a Bee Box and Celebrate World Bee Day!
May 20, 2024 @ 5:30PM — 7:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Audubon Greenway: 160 Magee Rd Sewickley Heights, PA 15143 Get Directions
May 20th is World Bee Day and there's no better way to celebrate than by providing nesting habitat for our native solitary bees! About 95% of PA's native bees are solitary and rely on nest cavities for their young. Bees like mason bees, leaf cutter bees, resin bees and more can be supported by providing a bee box.
Join ALT at Audubon Greenway anytime between 5:30pm and 7pm to build your box (we'll help you!) but plan to come early as supplies may run out! All materials provided, no experience necessary! One box per person.
Funding for this program was generously provided by Planet Bee Foundation's Bee Heroes Grant funded by Farnell/Avnet.